Make a booking

If you’re ready to book your stay at Dragonfly Cottage please enter your required dates and details below. You can accept the default payment amount which is a $100 deposit or select to pay the full amount. If your dates are within a week you’ll need to pay the full amount. The amount will include a 2% surcharge to cover PayPal fees. When you submit your booking you’ll be taken to PayPal where you can pay using your PayPal account or, if you don’t have an account, by credit card.

When you just pay a deposit we’ll send you an invoice with credit card payment links for payment of the balance approximately 2 weeks before your stay.

All bookings will be pending till we confirm them. We’ll finalise all bookings within 24 hours, but usually within a few hours. Occasionally we can’t accept a booking due to a clash with other bookings. In these cases any deposit paid through PayPal will be refunded automatically.

Please follow this link for details of our booking policy. Any refunds as a result of changes / cancellations will be made to the same credit card used to make payments

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